We build portfolios for clients based on our own fundamental research, and we invest across multiple asset classes. By directly engaging with our clients to learn their goals, objectives and risk tolerance, we are able to construct and actively manage portfolios to meet their unique requirements while preserving flexibility regarding risk exposure and tax management.
We bring to our clients decades of experience in institutional money management, spanning US & European equities, US fixed-income, along with a variety of industry specialties, styles and other asset types. Our ability to articulate and execute a clear investment strategy is a key engine of wealth creation for our clients.
Custom investment management services are at the core of what we deliver to clients. Whether it be through individual accounts, retirement accounts, education savings accounts, trusts, or charitable fund vehicles, our bespoke investment management service is tailored to each client’s financial needs and goals.
The ability to provide clients with clarity about their portfolio holdings and fees is a point of pride for our teams. We want our clients to understand their portfolios, the investments we have made for them, and their role in the overall picture. We have found that this level of shared understanding leads to satisfied clients again and again.
Custom investment management services are at the core of what we deliver to clients. Whether it be through individual accounts, retirement accounts, education savings accounts, trusts, or charitable fund vehicles, our bespoke investment management service is tailored to each client’s financial needs and goals.
The ability to provide clients with clarity about their portfolio holdings and fees is a point of pride for our teams. We want our clients to understand their portfolios, the investments we have made for them, and their role in the overall picture. We have found that this level of shared understanding leads to satisfied clients again and again.
Bridgehampton Group Proprietary Strategies:
Clients can invest separately in individual strategies or in a tailored combination of strategies.
Cash and Liquidity Management
- Cash/Money Markets
- Short term Treasury Bills
Active Equity Management
- Core US & EU Equities
- All market capitalizations
US Fixed Income
- High Grade Corporate Bonds and Preferred Securities
- Convertible Debt
- Treasury Notes and Bonds
Innovation Alpha - Hedge Fund
- Hedged Equity Exposure
- Innovation Focused